
Rallying the Troops with Family Meetings

I am a careful planner.  Communication, information, and details make me happy.  You’d think all of that is because I’m a control freak (maybe I am?), but I don’t see it that way.  I like to be prepared; to have

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Family Is Where the Heart Is

When I was young, I knew I wanted a family of my own.  As I grew, that dream never changed.  Instead, I added other wants to my list which made me wonder when a family would be possible for me. 

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The Call Lifestyle Family God's Plan

The Call

This is crazy.  Utterly and fantastically crazy.  I don’t know where to start or what to write.  I don’t know if anyone will read this.  I only know God has called and I’m trying to listen. My life has been

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Hi, I'm Melinda

I am a mother of two beautiful children and a wife to a very supportive, loving husband. My husband and I both work full-time jobs and do our best to raise our children to be faithful, respectful, responsible, and happy members of society.